Monday, December 10, 2012

Personal Liability and Covering Your Assets

Umbrella insurance is a wonderful thing to consider in the world we live in. It will provide you with more money for your accidents that may happen in life. This can help cover your legal expenses if they were to go over your home or car insurance policy limits. Some insurance companies will offer up to $500,000 in regular coverage, and then offer an umbrella policy up to $1.5 million. This can be a great way to protect your assets if you deem necessary.

You should talk this over with your agent and see what options are available for you. They can also advise you based on your individual situation as well. Different people will require different types of insurance. Ask different questions to find different answers. I have known some people that have found it to be cheaper to get a $250,000 policy for themselves with a 2 million dollar umbrella policy than it was to just get a $500,000 policy. This doesn't make much sense to you and me, but insurance companies have their reasons for what they do. Just ask the questions and you might be surprised what you are able to find out. You can still enjoy a lot of insurance to help you sleep at night, while getting it for a very reasonable price.

I personally recommend going with big name insurance companies. I have some policies with smaller companies, but they are usually for rental property and such. Just call around and see what is available to you in your area.

Some umbrella policies are cheaper in other parts of the country. It all depends on where you live. I have known people to get a $250,000 policy in one area and another to get a $250,000 policy with a $1 million umbrella policy for the same price. It just depends on where you are. Insurance companies factor in many things to determine how much to charge, feel free to ask you agent what they factor in.

Do I Need Excess Liability Coverage? Don't End Up Like Mary and John!   Features of Umbrella Insurance Quote For Homeowners   Architect Liability Insurance   Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   

Who Needs an Umbrella?

Who wants to be the guy asking his five year old " Now....., where did you get those matches?", as he sees his, not to mention his two neighbors homes, engulfed in flames? Not you, not me. That is also a tad bit worst case scenario, most fire departments are pretty quick and it's only your home that burns down.

Liability can arise from daily tasks almost all of us perform, like driving. Remember the five year old, just add 11. Liability arises from everyday business that takes place and provides people an income. Liability can arise from advertisements. You've heard of bodily injury, well don't forget about their feelings and or reputation, it's called personal injury. Amazing times we are living in. How is an individual going to function and create an income with all these different liabilities arising from his daily ventures? Not to mention some of, or all of, his childrens' activities. Liability is out there and attorneys take it seriously, the attorneys client has to be made whole, or in other terms, they have to recover from the damages and recover for damages. So how much liability coverage does the average Joe six pack need then, and how does it differ in relation to his profession.

Liability comes in different sizes, and so does liability coverage, after all transporting hazardous materials is more dangerous than transporting milk... isn't it? Wouldn't being a neuro surgeon create a greater liability as opposed to being a family practitioner? And after all that, your kid can throw rocks threw someone's windows. Don't forget people have been at fault for rear ending the car in front of them, after being rear ended! One would then have to agree it makes sense coverage comes come in different sizes and packages depending on the liability. As a homeowner you have assets to protect. As a multiple property owner you have greater assets to protect. Your home burning down costs more to repair than repairing the car you rear ended. And then of course you have the guy who fell asleep driving hazardous waste and crashed into the gas station, however that's another worst case scenario, unless you're an oil tanker in the northern gulf of Alaska.

Just remember P&C doesn't stand for pennies and change unless you're the agent. Liability insurance can cost a few dollars. The nice part being it can cover quite a few more dollars than it costs. Multiple property owners, or highly paid individuals might include an umbrella along with their different policies. An umbrella is a vehicle for covering your excess liabilities or protecting your numerous assets. I mean all it takes to create millions of dollars of liability is something as simple as your tour bus driver dropping your waste cargo onto a boat under the bridge your crossing. Simple enough mistake, right?

So just how much is your liability worth? Ever reviewed your coverages in regards to your business insurance? How about your homeowners, or even your auto insurance? You should always be aware of what level of protection that premium is paying for, as well as how well it covers the liability your creating adverse to your assets. Some court rulings have provided astronomical settlements in the name of liability. Just remember a certain coffee spilling incident after someone left the drive through. After someone left the drive through? Yeah after someone left the drive through, and someone spilled coffee, nonetheless, allover themselves. Just didn't imagine after ordering coffee, that it would be hot coffee. Surely if it's cold they wouldn't return and ask "why is this cold?" So by any means be careful what you serve to who, some people can't figure out to make sure hot coffee is secured before driving off.

Do I Need Excess Liability Coverage? Don't End Up Like Mary and John!   Features of Umbrella Insurance Quote For Homeowners   Architect Liability Insurance   Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   An Umbrella Policy - How It Will Help You Pay Less For Superior Auto Insurance   

Help, Call The Police, Someone Stole My Work

They say imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery: In July, I posted Estate Planning for the Entrepreneur on the Maximum Inheritance Specialists website, I subsequently posted the article on squido. I was some what taken aback to find the article had be bastardised. Someone liked the article so much, he picked up, 'spun it' so it resembled a form of English spoken perhaps on Uranus, and submitted it, successfully for publication to an article directory.

Now, the concepts discussed in my writing were hardly original, they've been around for centuries - I imagine since the first business was privately held - the obvious exception being the attribution to George Bush. Every writer, irrespective of the level to which he is gifted or prolific wants to be quoted - that is the essence of writing - otherwise I'd keep my thoughts in my head, but no one wants his work ripped off. There is a point to article writing - the great value is in the key word phrases attached to the article. My articles tend to contain phrases such as 'last will and testament' 'lasting power of attorney' 'inheritance planning' and so on, as they are said to be useful in boosting one's SEO efforts. All this fellow had to do was attribute the work to me. Or is this what we'd call a back handed compliment? In fairness the directory on which the stolen work was published took down the article in a few hours. Attribute, Do not Steal. Plagiarism is theft.

Key Features of Trademark Management Software   Intellectual Property and the Economics of Entertainment   Benefits of Understanding the Value of Your IP   Starting Your Career As An Intellectual Property Lawyer   Do You Need a Lawyer to Respond to a UDRP?   Intellectual Property Infringement and Patent Law   

Improve the Bottom Line: Here's How to Capture Value of Intellectual Property

In too many instances, either a company is not aware that certain assets are intellectual property, or is not aware that ownership of any intellectual property created by someone prior to their joining the company as an employer or founder belongs to that person. One of the primary documents that all businesses should insist that employees and independent contractors sign - and in the case of a new venture or start-up, all founders sign - is an Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement.

Many business managers make the incorrect assumption that intellectual property only applies to high-technology companies. Wrong (see below)! As long as your business deals with anything creative, or has knowledge or information important to its success, the business owner or manager wants to make sure that ownership of any inventions or works created for the company are assigned to the company. In the patent field, unless your business has signed the relevant assignment document with employees, it is possible that all independent contractors and employees (except for those falling in the narrow category of employees "hired to invent") personally own all the patentable inventions they create.

Also, if the company does not have a written agreement regarding ownership of any original work of authorship, it is possible that the author of the original work will own the copyright. The main exception is works "made for hire" created by employees acting in within the scope of their employment, which automatically belongs to the employer.

So, what about the Website designer/developer your company hired to create the "Front end" and "back end" of your distinguishable Website? Under the law, if the designer/developer is an independent contractor, then the designer/developer owns the copyright and is entitled to sell the same page layouts or computer code to someone else. If the Website is designed by an employee in the ordinary course of his or her employment, then the employer owns the copyright.

Thus, it is in the owner and manager's interest not to get embroiled in factual issues such as whether the works are created by an employee in the scope of their employment or who is an employee hired to invent, or whether the author of the work is an employee or an independent contractor. The business should negotiate for both employees and independent contractors to sign written assignments of copyrights.

In some instances, the independent contractor will refuse to transfer the copyright to work product, and in such instances the business may negotiate with the independent contractor not to sell or license the invention or work product to direct competitors. We have encountered situations where independent consultants will refuse to transfer copyright ownership to their work product, and the commissioning company will negotiate to limit the licensing or transfer of such copyright.

Many business managers skip over intellectual property issues, since they assume (incorrectly) that intellectual property issues are relevant only to technology companies having engineers and hacker employees. Yet, all businesses should realize that the following business assets have value and should be protected:

Customer lists Customized software Name or logo Product literature confidential know-how on doing certain things secret formulas

In sum, the owner of a company or the business manager should take precautions to clarify the company's ownership of the intellectual property. All employees, independent contractors, and in the case of start-ups and new ventures, all founders of a company should be required to sign assignments of inventions and nondisclosure agreements giving the employer the right to commercialize the idea, inventions, works, prepared, conceived of or reduced to practice by its workers during the period of employment. In the case of start-ups and new ventures, all founders and owners should similarly be required at the time of formation to assign ownership in creative works-all copyrights, trademarks, or patents-to the company.

In a start-up situation, to the extent the employee contributes to the Newco "property", including patents, copyrights, secret formulas, confidential know-how, and other legally protectable intangible assets, under Internal Revenue Code Section 351, the entrepreneur can escape tax on his or her bargain purchase of Newco stock.

Key Features of Trademark Management Software   Intellectual Property and the Economics of Entertainment   Benefits of Understanding the Value of Your IP   Starting Your Career As An Intellectual Property Lawyer   

Big Changes to Web Marketing in 2012

Just when you have launched a successful website and started to learn the jargon needed to become even more affluent in website chatter, Google drops a brand new way of website searching into your lap!

While you want with every nerve to push back and protest over the grueling hours and hours of new website search discovery ahead of you, you know that fighting this giant of search engines is a useless task and instead pick up the newest copy of "Google for Beginners" to start your website development all over again. If you don't have time for this.... Don't worry, there are plenty of people out there to help!

Google currently uses a "crawler," which is a program designed to search your website and take only the most relevant information for your customers to find you and your website. Coming soon, if a customer places a question into the search bar such as "Where can I find RV reservations in Napa, CA?" they will no longer be pushed to a your website, instead information will appear directly for your customer faster and more simply.

While this will benefit the person searching for the information, this new way of searching will take value away from customers visiting your page and clicking through pages to see the outstanding service provided by your company before making a purchase.

Now more than ever, your content will need to be easier to read by a computer. That means your website needs to feature more than just an organic search or paid advertising to drive sales.

"What does this even mean?" you question as you begin opening your website to delve into where you can possibly make it a better asset for Google searches. But where do you even start?

Websites and companies in the camping, renting, retail, service, RVing, and traveling industries have already prepared for this Google change and have organized new ways of developing customers for your company so you can continue benefiting from all the previous work, time, effort, and money you have spent on your current website without having to reconfigure it again for Google's new definition of change.

Using trip-based search engine optimization (SEO) will position your website and information at the forefront of new customers looking to expand their knowledge about key information only you can provide. Sharing this knowledge will enhance your customer's experience and drive them to your existing website. Your customers are searching right now for events, restaurants, activities and various other experiences around your area that only you know about and can share.

By sharing these special and very local tips, you are creating a customer for life and thereby creating something that even Google would be jealous of. Partnering with these companies will allow you the freedom to share knowledge and let them do the rest; all the while letting you focus on what really matters, providing the most excellent service you can for the customers currently at your company.

Merits of Local Business Listings   Top Ten Search Engine Marketing Tips for Travel Agents   High Ranking Blogs As a Way to Earn Passively   5 Low Cost Effective Ways of Setting Up Incoming Links to Your Website   Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   

Medical Negligence Solicitors

When it comes to our health, we never settle for less. We want the best results from medical practitioners. However, accidents happen sometimes. We may never want it to happen but it can occur and the next best thing to do if you become a victim of medical negligence is to seek advice to claim for compensation in that case.

There are a number of good solicitors in the site. One is Bolt Burdon Kemp, which is a company that boasts of its specialization in various cases of medical malpractice. It has been in the industry for 25 years and has received many awards. It has a youthful, energetic team that never seems to get tired until the customer gets the claim successfully. They are readily available online on

On one hand, Medical Negligence UK also focuses on medical negligence claims. It has a no win no fee policy and uses Legal Aid scheme. You may want to check out their site for more information. If you want companies to search the right medical solicitors for you, is the site to visit. The company name is Contact Law and it has professionals in various areas of medical negligence ready to contact the right solicitor for you.

Before making any decisions which solicitor to choose, always do some research for you to get more knowledge on negligence solicitors. This is a very serious issue in your life and you have to make sure you make the right decision.

Drug Recalls and Contamination   Medical Injury Claims: Make Authority Pay For Negligence   Medical Malpractice and Cancer Misdiagnosis   Delayed Heart Attack Diagnosis   The History Of Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)   

Multi-Generational House Plans and Other Home Design Trends for 2012

America's economic slump has had a significant influence on home designs. Before the Great Recession hit, lavish "McMansions" were popular. In contrast, many of today's homebuyers are looking for small house plans that can help them minimize heating costs as well as their mortgage payments. Flexibility is another "must have" in family house plans. With new appreciation for economic unpredictability, many Americans have abandoned the idea of upgrading to larger homes as their families grow. Instead, multi-generational house designs are gaining in popularity, since these flexible family home plans can easily sustain a new baby, a returning graduate, or an aging parent.

Another reason why multi-generational house plans are trendy at the moment is that Americans' life expectancy is longer than ever. Hoping to live comfortably in their own homes as long as possible (rather than being hauled off into a nursing home), many homebuyers are thinking ahead and looking for family home plans that are designed for people of all ages and physical abilities.

Here are a few more top home design trends for 2012.

1. Bigger garages - but not for cars.

Designers of family home plans are favoring larger garages, but not for the reason you might expect. Rather than storing an extra set of wheels, Americans are using these larger garages as "flex space," for storage or living space, as needed. For instance, while one family may choose to store clutter in the extra garage space, another may transform an extra garage bay into a "man cave" den, where Dad and his buddies can hang out. Ultimately, additional space in the garage is appealing to modern buyers because it can quickly be shifted to alternative purposes if needed.

2. Accessibility for all Age Groups.

A new survey conducted by the American Institute of Architects found that almost half of American architects rank accessibility as a growing preference among homeowners. Multi-generational house plans designed for age-in-place comfort often feature attributes such as:

-No-twist faucet handles, to avoid arthritic pain. These faucets are activated through a lifting action that completely avoids the wrist pain that is so common among older Americans.

-Minimizing stairs. Because stairs can be difficult or even impossible for seniors to navigate, many multigenerational home plans are designed on a single level.

-Bars to provide stability in slippery spaces, such as bathrooms.

Because such features are appealing to a broad swath of homeowners, family house plans that feature universal design often maintain a high property value over time.

3. Multiple Master Suites.

Small home designs don't have to feel cramped. Architects are creating multiple family arrangements within in the same home to provide a comfortable living arrangement for different generations of residents. For instance, rather than having all living spaces connected, a separate bathroom/bedroom/kitchenette suite in the back of a home can be accessed through a separate entrance. This preserves family members' privacy.

4. "Command Centers" within other rooms.

Back in the nineties, family house plans often included a distinct office area. Today, in contrast, the popularity of small home plans inspire such work zones to be located within other rooms. As an example, a designer may feature a kitchen nook with a desk, bookcase, and paper storage area for bills. That way, Dad can keep an eye on dinner while doing the family finances.

How an Orangery Can Add Value to Your Home   Things You Should Know About If You Want to Make Your House Look Better   How We Can Be Better Prepared for Cases of Extreme Weather   Tips For Becoming An Architect   

Mothers - Then and Now

I still remember the day when my mother, who gave birth to eight children in all, brought one of my younger siblings into this world.

As usual, in the windy morning, she was sweeping the courtyard after preparing and serving breakfast to father and to her five children. Heaping the withered leaves and twigs she had swept off the courtyard under the huge tamarind tree, she panted for a while. As if suddenly remembering an important appointment she hastily gathered the litter in a wicker tray and emptied it into the waste pit before swinging into action.

Hastily she changed into an old sari, settled dispute between two of her children and my elder siblings before seeing them off to school and waited for the mid-wife, who delivered most of the children of the locality, including two of her own children, myself included, earlier. This was how most of the mothers delivered their babies even in town suburbs those days -without any hullabaloo and attention-gathering.

A week or so after delivering a child mother would be back to her normal self. Sometimes grandmother would be around offering her a helping hand and telling us bedtime stories. In due course, the new member of the family would become the hub of everyone's attention and thus we all shared mother's obligation of taking care of the baby.

Mother might be a great inspiration to modern day designers of domestic robots. I have never seen mother lying on bed asleep or sick those days. Her typical day would start with caring the fowls, cackling in the wooden cage, in the early morning. She would have completed a variety of chores before a second one from the house, father included, ever got up from bed that would be a nightmare to most of the domestic helps of modern day. Setting free the birds from the stinking cage and feeding them, she would clean the cowshed, fill the manger with paddy straw and milk the animal before sizing the fire wood logs and lighting up the hearth for preparing breakfast.

Her morning routine in the kitchen, like grating coconut or grinding coconut with green chilli on the stone pestle for making delicious chutney for the breakfast, would waken up the children one by one. Sometime later, amid helping the tiny ones to bathe and dress, she would serve breakfast to everyone and in a while the children would join the neighbourhood children for a walk to the nearby school.

After exchanging morning pleasantries with neighbours while cleaning utensils and washing clothes by the well side she would start preparing the afternoon meals for the children. She would try a variety of curries everyday by varying the combination of spices in her wooden spice box before finely grinding them on the stone pestle. Mother had neither heard of ready-made masala mix available in the market place nor used any pre-powdered spices for preparing the meal. In between, some neighbourhood woman would turn up for sharing a gossip or an event that occurred or about to occur in the surroundings which would give the thrill of watching a modern day soap on TV.

At lunch time, while patiently listening to the happenings of the forenoon at school from the children, she would serve them hot meal. And after the children went back to school having eaten mother's delicious food, she might show up for a while at the courtyard to discuss with the neighbourhood women, who would have by then gathered under the neem tree across the street.

Topics ranging from recipes, cinema, politics and matters published in newspapers would be discussed in addition, of course, to more gossiping. Instead of having an afternoon nap mother believed sharing the mind and talking to the neighbourhood women would keep her informed of things going on in the surroundings.

Also, in the days when wet grinders and mixers were unheard of, mother would prepare dosa and iddli mix in the hand grinder, unendingly spinning the stone, pivoted to the hole by the centre of the circular stone while listening to movie songs on Ceylon radio. Sometimes she would pound raw rice and roast the flour on a broad mud dish and store the powder for making kozha puttu, a delicacy preferred by most of us for breakfast. On holidays mother would try different chores like parboiling paddy in the huge bronze pot, stacking paddy straw, cleaning the house and even collecting grass from the nearby lands for the cow. Mother made the best evening bites in the locality. Her murukku, adirasam and paniyaram, stored in huge biscuit tins during the Deepavali season are mouth-watering even now.

Mother knew almost every individual of the locality including his or her status, thanks to the frequent meet up with the women under the neem tree in the afternoons. Her knowledge on the world then too would challenge that of any modern day housewife.

Amid all her house keeping, mother, like most of the women of the neighbourhoods, had time for movies once in a while at the town cinema theatres, and shopping in the town market places. She was known in the neighbourhoods for her bargaining tactics. She regularly attended our school-day functions as well.

Mother believed in leading a life of co-existence with her neighbours. She would leave the fowls and milch animals under the care of neighbours while visiting grandma or other relatives with family for a few days. Similarly, she would happily look after other's birds and animals when they were away. Mostly, we went together as a family to marriage and other functions in the neighbourhoods.

Gone are the days of such humble and efficient housekeeping. One could imagine the treatment the modern day housewives get from other family members the moment they are confirmed pregnant.

And what happens when the children are ready to go to school? Many houses turn topsy-turvey at the school bus not turning up one morning. How many mothers residing amid the helter-skelter of city lives today know the names of the neighbours let alone getting to know each other?

Besides, modern day mothers are mostly enslaved to the new gadgets in their kitchens and elsewhere. Power failure, an absenting domestic help or the day-to-day affairs of the school children, which hardly controlled the likes of my mother those days, have a high bearing on the daily lives of housewives nowadays.

Today, housewives in urbanised and even in semi-urbanised areas barely get time to talk to other family members constructively. They seem to empathise with imaginary characters from TV soaps than with live characters dwelling around them. Also they prefer to talk to unseen faces over mobile phones for hours against sparing a few minutes to talk to fellow residents.

The tribe of my mother are an endangered lot today. Present generation mothers are lucky if they have a grandma at home recollecting and reminding practices and wisdom of olden days to the present generation mothers now and then.

A week or so after delivering a child mother would be back to her normal self. Sometimes grandmother would be around offering her a helping hand and telling us bedtime stories. In due course, the new member of the family would become the hub of everyone's attention and thus we all shared mother's obligation of taking care of the baby.

Mother might be a great inspiration to modern day designers of domestic robots. I have never seen mother lying on bed asleep or sick those days. Her typical day would start with caring the fowls, cackling in the wooden cage, in the early morning. She would have completed a variety of chores before a second one from the house, father included, ever got up from bed that would be a nightmare to most of the domestic helps of modern day.

After exchanging morning pleasantries with neighbours while cleaning utensils and washing clothes by the well side she would start preparing the afternoon meals for the children. She would try a variety of curries everyday by varying the combination of spices in her wooden spice box before finely grinding them on the stone pestle. Mother had neither heard of ready-made masala mix available in the market place nor used any pre-powdered spices for preparing the meal. In between, some neighbourhood woman would turn up for sharing a gossip or an event that occurred or about to occur in the surroundings which would give the thrill of watching a modern day soap on TV.

Also, in the days when wet grinders and mixers were unheard of, mother would prepare dosa and iddli mix in the hand grinder, unendingly spinning the stone, pivoted to the hole by the centre of the circular stone while listening to movie songs on Ceylon radio.

From Homemaker to Working Mom   What Makes The Best Breast Pump?   A Little Girl, Mother Daughter Relationship   Are You A Helicopter Parent?   Wanted Mom   

What You Need to Know About Florida Long Term Care Insurance

With the array of Long Term Care resources available on the net today, majority is probably aware of the ins and outs of this policy - its scope, limitations and premium costs. However, does everyone know that just like cultures and dialects, LTC varies in every state? The cost of Florida Long Term Care Insurance is different from that of New York or another state. Laws governing health care varies as well and it is the responsibility of the residents of a certain state to be aware of these laws.

What then do residents from Florida need to know about the status of LTC policies in their state? How does it differ from other states, especially in terms of cost? Are there enough good nursing facilities available?

In a study by Genworth, the cost of Florida Long Term Care Insurance is rising faster than inflation. An average yearly amount of USD $82,125 goes to private nursing homes while semi-private homes costs about USD $74,825. The high-end nursing homes, on the other hand, are worth USD $313 and USD $247 daily at the metro areas of Naples and West Palm Beach. Naples, being the most expensive area in Florida for assisted living facilities, costs USD $4,600 monthly. And do you know that the price of private rooms in nursing homes in Florida's four largest regions has risen significantly? Compared to the 2.3% rise in the core CPI in 2005, the following figures appeared for the four regions:

-5% increase in Jacksonville -4% increase in Tampa - St. Petersburg -3% increase in Miami-Fort Lauderdale -3% increase in Orlando

Because of this ever-increasing cost, most residents of this state turn to private LTCi. This is to secure their assets and their families' future.

There are top and trusted insurance companies who are participating in the State Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program. This alliance between private LTC companies and the state government is formed to lessen reliance on Medicaid as a source for a person's long term health care needs. This is a good solution that will be beneficial to consumers. If before, one has to use up all their assets before they are eligible for Medicaid, now the case is different. They can instead apply for state long term care partnership programs to assist them. This tie-up also helps the government in saving Long Term Care expenditures which totals to almost one billion dollars yearly.

How then does this partnership work in the state of Florida?

The process is the same with other states that are part of the agreement. Good thing Florida is one of the states that offer partnership policies. Medicaid and private insurance companies tie up to fund Florida Long Term Care Insurance to provide with LTC plans. This partnership also allows individuals to have more chances of qualifying for Medicaid benefits. One great feature of this partnership is the dollar-for-dollar asset protection which allows an insured individual to keep a dollar of his assets for every dollar that his partnership policy pays out in benefits.

Navigating Through Long Term Care Resources   Reinsuring the Risk - Medicaid Compliant Annuity or Promissory Note   Learning the Ropes of LTC Insurance   Finding the Right Long Term Care Resources   Long Term Care Costs and How Age, Health, and Location Affect It   

Dog Friendly Hotels in the Peak District

Just because you want to take your dog on holiday with you, doesn't mean you have to slum it in a tent! There are plenty of 3* and 4* hotels in the Peak District that are perfectly happy to accept your four legged friend as a guest.

Here are a selection of some of the dog friendly hotels in the Peak District:


Biggin Hall Hotel

Biggin Hall has a country house feel about it. Situated in the idyllic village of Biggin, it has been sympathetically restored to it's 17th Century glory. Dog friendly accommodation is offered to clients wishing to bring their dogs, and is available on the ground floor for easy access. The hotel has beautiful grounds and there are plenty of local walks nearby including the Tissington trail, just a short walk away. Afternoon tea is recommended following a lovely walk with your dog - or you might want to do it the other way round to walk off all those calories!!


Charles Cotton Hotel

A historic 17 bedroom hotel situated in the heart of the pretty village of Hartington. They are happy to accept pets and keep certain rooms allocated for visiting dogs. There are also dog friendly pubs in the village if you want some variety and the local youth hostel has a dog friendly coffee shop. The area is surrounded by beautiful walks and is ideally placed for a walking holiday with your dog.


Old Hall Hotel

Known as the oldest hotel in England! It was one time host to Mary Queen of Scots. Dogs and pets are welcome. It is sited just across the road from Buxton Opera house and opposite a beautiful park where you can walk your dog - although it will need to be on a lead. You are however only minutes away in the car from the Goyt Valley which is a fantastic walking location and a dog's paradise. You will however need to observe the countryside code and keep the dog on a lead in areas where there may be nesting birds. See the Dog Friendly Peak District website for more details.

Lee Wood Hotel

Another country house style hotel with it's own gardens. This dog friendly hotel is situated just a few minutes walk from the Peak District town of Buxton, and close to Buxton Opera house and the Pavillion gardens. Once again, you are a short car drive from the Goyt Valley and the myriad of walks in that area. Dogs are allowed in the bedrooms but not public areas where there is likely to be food and drink. There is also an £8.50 one off charge.

Alison Park Hotel

This hotel is a short walk away from the Pavillion Gardens, where you can take your dog for a walk through the beautiful parkland. You are also a few minutes walk from Grinlow Woods near Pooles Cavern, which is a wonderful place for dogs to run around off the lead. There is also a dog friendly cafe at Pooles Cavern, where you can get a bacon butty and coffee after your morning walk!

The Palace Hotel

The Palace hotel is an iconic landmark in Buxton. It is situated in an elevated position overlooking Buxton. This Victorian Hotel is situated in 5 acres of grounds and whilst it is close to the town centre it is also only a short drive away from the spectacular Goyt Valley, where there are plenty of great dog walks.


The Maynard

The Maynard is a newly refurbished dog friendly hotel in the Peak District and boasts spectacular views. The bedrooms have been decorated by a local interior designer, and furnished in a modern contemporary style. The rooms are finished to a very high standard and include super king sized beds and plasma screens with satellite TV. The rooms also have Wi-fi internet connections to add that additional high tech touch. The Maynard in Grindleford launched a range of dog friendly walks, with each walk starting and finishing at The Maynard, so on completion man and his best friend can both enjoy a well deserved drink. The hotel is dog-friendly, so your pooch can stay overnight in boutique hotel luxury as well. Information for this section of the article has been sourced from More details on dog friendly walks can be found there.

Matlock Bath

Hodgkinson's Hotel

A fully restored grade 2 listed Victorian property, with eight individually designed rooms with en suite facilities. Award winning restaurant and included in the Good Hotel Guide 2010. They are a dog friendly hotel and welcome families and pets. Hodgkinsons is a rare surviving example of a fine historic grade II listed hotel. Dating from 1770, it has retained a wealth of its' original features and has views from the bedrooms of the river Derwent, the steep, wooded valley sides and sheer, dramatic limestone crags opposite, make Hodgkinson's an ideal place for a short holiday break to discover the delights of Derbyshire and the Peak District.


The Peacock

The Peacock at Rowsley is a small luxury dog friendly hotel located in the famous Peak District in the heart of England, and conveniently close to the major towns of Chesterfield, Sheffield, Manchester, Nottingham and Derby. Owned by Lord Edward Manners, owner of nearby Haddon Hall, the hotel has been refurbished throughout and styled by award winning designer India Mahdavi. Dogs are welcome to stay in the bedrooms at a charge of £10.00 per dog, per night. They are not however allowed in any of the public areas, i.e. restaurant, bar or lounge but are welcome in the garden. Details of all these dog friendly hotels can be found on the Dog Friendly Peak District website. You can find the website address at the end of this article. Wishing you a pleasant dog friendly visit to the Peak District.

Frequently Asked Questions About Power of Attorney

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is a document that helps you deal with the issue of managing your finances when you are unable to do so, for example, if you become mentally incompetent. Alternative exist, such as living trust, but this is the most common way of handling this life situation.

How do I choose my Power of Attorney agent?

Pick someone who you really trust. They can be either a close relative or someone you have known for a long time. Don't trust your affairs to anyone who you think might not follow your wishes. If you choose an attorney or accountant as your agent, there is usually a fee. Family members will usually perform agent duties for free. Choose someone with financial smarts - your financial affairs will probably be better managed by someone who manages their own financial affairs carefully and effectively. Discuss the issue with your potential agent first and express your values and wishes with regard to how your affairs should be handled. This also gives the agent an opportunity to consider and communicate to you whether he or she is willing and able to handle the responsibilities.

What if my agent doesn't act in my best interests or follow my wishes?

A number of agent provisions are included. These provisions clarify issues related to how the agent handles your affairs including: accounting of the agent's actions, compensation and misconduct.

Am I allowed to change my agent?

You may change your mind about the agent you selected. You can revoke a signed POA document at any time, regardless of the reason. If you are unsure about the person you selected as your agent, you may choose to revoke the POA and select a different agent. This should be done in writing should using a Revocation of Power of Attorney document, and you must provide notice to the agent under the POA that you are revoking.

What different types of Powers of Attorney exist?

General: Your agent will have very broad authority to manage your financial and personal affairs. Your agent will have the legal authority to make gifts, operate a business, grant a disclaimer power, make living trust transfers and handle a personal residence.

Health Care: If you employ this type of document, another person you legally authorize will be able to make decisions about your medical care when you unable to.

Special: With this type of document, your agent will have powers limited to the specific areas you designate. For example, you might designate only the ability to access your safety deposit box or to manage your checking account.

Durable: A "durable" POA is effective even if you become mentally incompetent. Some states allow you to make your document "durable".

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Helpful Tips for Anyone Seeking Auto Insurance Coverage

To get insurance for your automobile is something that is very essential. There are some fixed cost components in insurance and then there are those parts which are variable and thus you can minimize the variable part and end up paying less for your insurance of your automobile. One of the deluxe ways of doing so is to have a higher deductible for your automobile premium. There are numerous such things that can be done to decrease the amount you need to pay for your automobile insurance.

The moment you get involved in an accident you should immediately call up the police and inform them about it. The police have been for years collecting information and have the best equipment to handle these things. The police will then make an accident report and it is this accident report which will help you obtain the insurance benefits of the accident. Therefore it is essential that you inform the police as soon as the accident takes place.

There are checklists of discounts that the insurance company gives. Make sure that you have a copy and a backup of this checklist and then you should keep updating the list with the criteria given and have a tab on the insurances that you are eligible for. These discounts are something that can save you plenty of money if used properly.

When you are insuring your car you are actually insuring the car in the name of one particular driver. Hence only when it is that driver who is there driving the car and then an accident occurs then the insurance company will cover the damages. This is something that you must be careful about; if you hand over the car to your friend and it is he who gets involved in the accident then it becomes difficult for you to get covered under the insurance policy. Though it is quite promising for you to have an additional driver insured for the car, these extra drivers permission cost more and thus it becomes difficult to pay the high insurance premium.

There is a ratio of the number of drivers to the number of vehicles owned by the family. The ideal scenario is when the number of members in the house and the vehicles in the house are in the ratio of 1:1. This will help you get the whole insurance done with lesser charge.

There is some legal minimum however there are other options as well which give you protection in other areas as well. There might be times when the premium rates might rise and then you will have the thinking that you should have applied for the costlier deal. There are some add on which are good for you and can be extremely beneficial for you. There are some motorists who might not be insured if and when he is involved in an accident.

There are many steps that you can take to avoid paying a higher price for the insurance and you should take note of all these steps.

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Upper GI Bleeding and NSAIDs

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a serious concern that may develop in many patients suffering from digestive problems. This medical emergency, which requires immediate treatment if diagnosed, can occur due to damages in the esophagus, the stomach, and the duodenum. Perhaps most frightening for patients, the kind of health concerns that may contribute to an upper GI bleed in these areas can be caused by basic treatments for other problems. In particular, the use of NSAIDs, commonly prescribed pain relievers, may contribute to an upper GI bleed.

NSAIDs, the acronym used to describe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, include such basic pain-killing medication as ibuprofen. Although over-the-counter use for this drug contains a warning and is generally handled in smaller doses, a patient under the direct care of a healthcare professional may be receiving significantly more potent doses of this medication. The manner in which these drugs contribute to an upper GI bleed is due to the kind of damage peptic, or stomach, ulcers can do to the digestive system. As a result of these ulcers, hemorrhaging may occur.

Treating an upper GI bleed often comes down to the doctor's choice of using a surgical option or resolving the damages through immediate use of pharmaceutical treatments. Surgically, a physician may order an endoscopic clipping, which can close up an ulcer, removing the possibility of further damages to the system. Also, electrical instruments may be used to cauterize wherever the hemorrhage occurred, effectively healing the wound.

Pharmaceutical approaches are considered relative newcomers to upper GI bleeding treatment methods, but the results have been impressive enough to warrant many physicians to order these treatments instead of more invasive procedures. The major drug treatment used is a medication that increases the healing capabilities of the affected area, boosting the body's own ability to fixed damaged areas.

For more information, contact a medical malpractice attorney.

Medical Injury Claims: Make Authority Pay For Negligence   Medical Malpractice and Cancer Misdiagnosis   Compensation for Birth Injuries   Should You Consider Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim?   A Brief Talking About Medical Claims   

Drug Recalls and Contamination

Medications, like other consumer products, are subject to design flaws, manufacturing defects, and mislabeling problems that can result in serious problems for people who take them. Thus, the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to issue recalls for drugs that are potentially dangerous. One main type of medication defect is contamination.

When a pharmaceutical company first devises a new medication, it must undergo extensive testing to make sure that it is safe for the populace. It seems like there would only be two pathways--approval or denial. However, sometimes a drug can be approved at first, but then later denied due to dangerous side effects. Once a medication is in wider use rather than in just the testing group, the FDA or pharmaceutical company may recognize that the medicine has the potential to cause other health issues. It can either receive a warning label or get completely recalled. This affects the entire production of the drug.

Besides dangerous side effects, there are several other reasons why the FDA may choose to withdraw specific batches of a drug rather than the entire group. These problems often involve:

Unsafe raw materials Misleading labels Unsterilized packaging Failure to denote allergens in the drug Contamination

Contamination is one of the main reasons for drug recalls. It can occur when foreign particles such as metal shards or rubber particles get trapped in the medication. It can also happen if allergens such as wheat, egg, or other products are used in the stabilizing part of the medication.

A recent contamination issue actually involved a toxic ingredient. Rather than using safe, common glycerin syrup, several batches of drugs were contaminated with a cheaper form of the syrup, diethylene glycol. This was linked to many deaths, but eventually the unsafe contamination was pinpointed.

If you have been hurt by a drug that was later recalled or found to be contaminated, you may be entitled to financial compensation to help you with your pain and suffering.

Medical Injury Claims: Make Authority Pay For Negligence   Medical Malpractice and Cancer Misdiagnosis   Contributing Factors in a Stroke   Steps Involved For Proper Medical Compensation Claims   

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